A render is a 3D visual architectural drawing or physical representation of a proposed building or city. Rather than creating a 1D or 2D image of a proposed architectural design, a render is a multi-dimension image of the proposed building that is a realistic representation — and can show the neighborhood as well as its surroundings in conjunction with your design proposal. Renders are useful for more than just the architect and client. During pre-construction sales, real estate agents often use renders as the listing image because the realistic visual allows for more buyer engagement.

different Types of architecture renders

Exterior render

This type focuses on the external portions of the proposed buildings. It relates to the external outlook. There are two forms of exterior render, depending on the position of the viewer. These are:

  • Street or Pedestrian View — the render shows the design of the proposed building when a viewer stands before it

  • Aerial View — the aerial render focuses on the adjoining buildings and environment of a proposed building.

Internal render

This focuses on the internal parts of the proposed building design. Since the internal layouts are the main concentration here, we are able to view the bedroom, kitchen, living space, and so on. The internal render incorporates furniture placement, appliances, lighting, windows, doors, cabinets, colors, textures, artwork. This type of render is used for representation of size.


The aerial render focuses on the adjoining buildings and environment of a proposed building. It creates a landscape view or top/birds eye view of the entire area. This type of render is able to show the entire neighborhood, or at least a portion of the City that is in the vicinity of the project.

An aerial render takes into account the building’s nearby surroundings. The building and cityscape is distinguishable, so that when a viewer sees it, they automatically know this is downtown, near a common landmark.

Items such as landmarks, neighboring buildings, and recognizable attributes of the neighborhood will also give the viewer a realistic idea of the location, size, and design of the proposed building — and how it will blend into the neighborhood once completed.


A cut off render incorporates the aerial view and internal view render. It showcases the project details as if someone had cut off the top of the proposed building — think of a bagel sliced in half. This render type gives the viewer an all-in-one view of the entire project and its unique attributes and additions.

the different Uses of a render

A render helps to perfectly visualize the proposed building, the design, and all its unique features. As a visual, it’s useful during the design development stage when for presenting the project to a group. It is often used as a visual representation for alderman, neighborhood committees, and others involved in the project.

Renders make it easier to for an architect to give their clients context and understanding of a proposed design. For most people, the render provides a better visual than 2D drawings. The visual context of a render seamlessly communicates the design concept of a construction project to non-architects.

Renders can also allow for architects to easily identify any possible challenges to the proposed building design, even at the early stage of building.

how bldg projects use renders during the construction process

  1. At BLDG Projects, we start with the site plan and neighboring elements. This could be found in GIS information and Google view.

  2. We create a rough 3D of your proposed design and properly delineate it into relevant divisions after implementing multiple version changes.

  3. Producing idea boards to gather client information and in return, produce a render image based on their research.

  4. Repeat your sketch and design on all sides of the building, creating an elaborated image.

  5. Renders can be created from 2D drawings as well, and extruded.

  6. Renders can be a focal point for bidding from the contractors.


  1. The cost for renderings begin at $400 per image and can go up to thousands of dollars for large scale developments.

  2. A typical small rendering takes about minimum of 2 weeks to start, process and finalize.

  3. Renders can be added to any projects for an additional cost.


773.784.9755 | INFO@BLDGPROJ.COM

Katmerka Ramic

Katmerka, also known as “Kaya” is the founding principal of BLDG PROJECTS. Growing up in the industry, Katmerka has 18+ years of professional experience in the field in Chicagoland. She graduated from University of Illinois at Chicago [SoA]; her time in school reinforced her belief in the importance of not just education, but experience and hard work in the AEC fields. Katmerka gathers her design intent from a functionality standpoint, and as a hobby, traveling over 55+ countries to gather aesthetic inspiration.

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